July 27, 2010

Close To My Heart Consultant Yes? No?

I have an opportunity to become a consultant for Close To My Heart (CTMH). What do you guys think? They have an awesome offer going on right now. Can you let me know what you think?

BTW, I'd love to become one and of course get all the goodies, but when I was a consultant for CM, my leader just wasn't the nicest. What should I do?

Thanks for responses!!


Isn't this pretty? I found it online! I need to get started making my own. Pics soon to come! :O)


  1. I think if the opportunity is good then go for it! I have seen their stuff and I like it! This seems familiar to Stampn Up. I have been looking at Close to My Heart for some ideas too.

    That Picture is soooo cute! I love it in that green, it looks frog-a-licious.

  2. I did CTMH for a year or so love the products! Very easy to do with out team - if you like social of it go! A great way to earn product or buy cheaper... I had to give it up when I opened my store.. but i have bought from a friend when I see something I cant live without!

  3. thanks ladies! I'm trying to make up my mind. I love CTMH stuff, but I also love Stampin up! Oh, decisions!! :O)

    Thanks for your help! :O)
